Zivko Mijatovic & Partners
Tienda de Informática en Alicante

Our network covers the protection of European Trademarks (EUTM) and provides a full IPservice in 15 countries in the Balkans and Eastern Europe, namely:Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo*,Macedonia FYROM, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain(including EUTM) — Immediate and simultaneous service across the entire ZMP network with ONE […]

Tienda de informática Zivko Mijatovic & Partners es una empresa localizada en Box 111, Playa San Juan Alicante, Alicante. El horario de hoy de Zivko Mijatovic & Partners es de 9:00 - 18:00. Para contactar con éste negocio tienda de informática puedes llamar al teléfono 965154424 o 965160363, que son sus teléfonos de contacto principales o bien, a través de su página web oficial www.zmp.eu/.

The firm was founded in 1939 by the late Djura Ž. Mijatovic, a prominent lawyer and former Chairman of the Belgrade Bar Association. In the early sixties, Djura Ž. Mijatovic was also appointed secretary-general of the Yugoslav Bar Association. Our primary activity is the protection of all kinds of Intellectual Property Rights including Trade/Service Marks, Patents, Designs, Copyright Law and Unfair Competition in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. We also have an office in Alicante, Spain, dedicated to the protection of European Community Trade Marks. Other activities of our firm include Licensing Agreements, Product Registration, Joint Venture Agreements, opening of representation offices, etc. For the past sixty years our firm has been rendering services to a large number of multinational companies, the list of which may be obtained upon request.

Zivko Mijatovic & Partners teléfonos

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965154424... Mostrar teléfono

Redes sociales Zivko Mijatovic & Partners

Ubicación Zivko Mijatovic & Partners

Dirección: Box 111, Playa San Juan
Región: Alicante

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